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Auto Window Manager for Windows

Auto Window Manager for Windows

Auto Window Manager for Windows

Any glass that you specify is managed automatically by Auto Window Manager. You can program Panels to automatically maximize( lower, usual, minimize to box, stay on top) each time they open by applying Auto Window Manager.

Almost all applications, except cyberspace computers, Notepad, etc., are compatible with Auto Window Manager. While functioning, the software likely remain available in the product basket.

Important Options Include

  1. mechanically increase, decrease, or normalize every new window you specify.
  2. adds a number of bill of fare items to the default menu in Windows.
  3. Reduce the product tray’s’s original windows.
  4. All new panels you specify will be quickly minimized in the procedure tray.
  5. Keeping every latest window you specify on edge quickly.
  6. Display the application’s’s windows properties, such as the windows treat, training identify, procedure Identification, etc.
  7. Internet Explorer Auto Refresh at regular intervals
  8. Any program running Windows 2000 / Xp / 2003 / Vista / 7 should have the transparency effect set from 0 % to 100 %.


The software picture in the brand cafe allows users to access the many menu merchandise that Auto Window Manager adds to the ordinary window restaurant. Avoid to system tray, usually keep window on top, adjust window transparency, align window, and resize window are all commands that are available.



Windows Auto Windows Manager 1. 5
size of the file:
788.18 Kilobyte
  1. Using Panels 2000
  2. 2003 Skylights,
  3. Upgrades of Windows,
  4. Windows 8.
  5. Vista, Windows
  6. Windows 98,
  7. Windows 7.
  8. Windows 10.
cultures that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
release in hearing
most recent change:
29th of October 2023, a Friday
programming for eusing


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